Incubators and co-working vs. isolation

Starting your own business is an amazing and rewarding adventure. It’s not plain sailing, and you will have your ups and downs. The biggest issue that start-ups face is that they are going it alone in most cases. If you’re a solo entrepreneur, the lack of a consistent sounding board outside of family and friends is a…

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3 good habits of small business owners

Running a small business is a rewarding experience. It’s hard work and the hours that you put in can be crazy at times, but there are no regrets here. I’ve been running the business since 2007, so officially it’s no longer a startup — we’re firmly past the 5-year mark! That doesn’t mean you can…

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A guide to security for small businesses

Often times, as a security professional, I speak about enterprise-related issues and tend to ignore the small guy. Since small business is the backbone of the USA and most other countries, I think it’s time I gave a nod to them and told them a bit about security for small businesses and why it’s so…

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Why your business needs an end of year party

There’s been a lot of hype in the media about Christmas parties, and whether or not it is ethical to hold them in these tough economic times — well it’s not only ethical, but essential for your business health. An end of year party is what you need! Whilst strolling through the almost empty City…

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We all have our fears; you can get past them

I do quite a bit of teaching and mentoring. Whether the training is small business owners and bloggers or vulnerable women, there’s one common thread that hinders the learners from engaging and getting the most out of their experience: FEAR. It doesn’t matter that every person that I mentor or teach has already taken that…

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