7 things that you need on your nutritionist website

Is the idea of building or revamping your nutritionist website already sending your brain into a mess of questions and worries? You’ve decided that it’s time that you start working on your website so that you can take advantage of all the leads that it could be generating you, great! But, the problem is… what…

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Building a functional website

If you’re reading this post you’re probably in one of these situations; You’ve got a business and your ready to expand your reach with a website. You’ve already got a website, but you are looking to make a change or do a refresh. You’re a start-up, getting ready to launch and you need a website…

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A conversation about colours

An early memory I have in my career as a designer is that of a client asking me to use gold in their branding because said colour evoked wisdom. I entertained the notion for a moment and thought of famous brands which use some variant of yellow in their logo. McDonald’s and IMDb came to…

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A beginner’s guide to making images web-ready

This is a step-by-step guide for beginners on choosing the right image and cropping and resizing it to be used on the web. It requires that you own Photoshop and have some basic understanding of how it works. Usually, this is where I’d waffle on a bit more about cursory topics and say something funny, but…

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Pairing WordPress with Amazon’s CloudFront CDN

Like everybody else on the planet, I’m very fond of stuff that just works. Many web developers, myself included, operate on the assumption that something will always break, and that makes it all the sweeter when it doesn’t. With the 2014 version of our company website, we decided to implement Amazon’s CloudFront CDN for all…

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Two (failed) attempts at being different

Good marketing doesn’t sound like marketing. It allows the reader to make impressions rather than giving them out prepackaged. It also doesn’t boast or speak ill of other companies. One of the most prevalent phrases used by design agencies in their marketing material is, ‘a different kind of digital agency.’ Its absence in Avidmode’s case…

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