Chain Letters Are Alive and Well in the Digital World

Don’t Know What Chain Letters Are – Let Me Explain

Back in the day, for those under the age of 30, there was a phenomenon called chain letters. You would receive a letter in the post and you would have to pass it on to a set number of friends, by writing them letters. To think that I thought those glory days were over.

There used to be some negative connotations surrounding the receiving and sending of chain letters. There is nothing like a bit of scaremongering and some people took pleasure from the effects of sending out scary versions. I’m not overly superstitious (no need to mention talking to magpies if I see them or avoiding black cats on Friday the 13th) so I never paid much attention to these. Lots of interesting horror stories were spawned from the chain letter phenomenon.

Anyway, last week I got what can only be described as a social media chain letter. It is much more exciting than the original concept. I’ve learned so many interesting things about the people who I connect with on a daily basis that I’m delighted to join in.

Mallie Dein of Go Creative Go! shared “7 Random Facts About Herself” and has challenged me to do the same and then pass the baton to 5 other people.

Now let’s bear in mind that I am English. I don’t tend to talk about myself. It’s just not an English trait. Wherever you connect with me I am pretty much just me so let’s see what you might not know!

A photo of the non main building of the Lycee Francais Charles de GaulleKittie Walker the French Years

I had odd parents – they were great – but odd none the less. After John and Mary adopted me at birth, they put my name down on the waiting list for the Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle – great education – but at school you got detention for speaking English and at home I was the only person that spoke fluent French. Way to confuse your child 😉

The Rebellious Teen

I was a teenager in the 1980s. Whilst everyone was fainting over Wham!, Duran Duran or Spandau Ballet, I was a Rock Chick who often crossed over to Goth, Indie and Punk. I went to my first rock concert with my cousins at the age of eight. Van Halen at The Rainbow Theatre in 1979. My tastes are much more eclectic these days.

Circuitous Routes

My mum was a “Media Type” and a published author. She always encouraged me to find my own path; to follow my dreams, which of course I didn’t do, until I finally understood the wisdom in that piece of advice seven years ago! I haven’t looked back since.

Life’s Rich Tapestry

A satirical cartoon from the early 1900'sBoth of my parents were functioning alcoholics. Their families were riddled with addiction issues. That is when I am truly glad that I was not blood related to them. They both lived life to the full. They partied hard and died young. I was angry with them for a long time but I would not want to change any of my life. It’s these experiences that mould us into who we become.

Vegetarian But Not a Zealot

I’m a vegetarian have been on and off since I was about twelve years old. The rest of my household are not vegetarians!I love to cook, I’m a total foodie and love to feed people.  Travelling through France eating and drinking is one of my favourite pastimes. I am sublimely happy when experimenting in the kitchen. I often write in the kitchen too. It is such a creative atmosphere and space for me.

I Love Japan

I love to travel and immerse myself in different cultures. I lived that whole Lost in Translation life in Tokyo for a while. It is an amazing place and living in that bubble was an extraordinary experience. It is safe to say that Sake goes straight to my head. I got engaged in a nightclub in Tokyo, in its Sushi Bar to be precise, so I was told – it’s all a bit foggy. Yes we did get married and had two beautiful daughters, but we did get divorced some 15 years later. I’d live in Japan again in a heartbeat.

Gaming and Geekdom

I am a gamer and a computer/technology geek. I even save photos of particularly beautiful pieces of hardware. I’ve been an avid consumer of video games since the early 1990s. I don’t get nearly enough time to play these days but when I do my current games of choice are Skyrim, Kingdom of Amalur and the MMO Rift. If i watch TV at all it’s shows like NCIS, CSI, Mythbusters or Game of Thrones.

So that brings me to the end of this social media chain letter challenge. It was fun taking a stroll down memory lane. I hope you enjoy strolling along with me. I am passing the baton on to (please don’t shoot me).

Donetta Harrison

Tricia Smith

Gemma Dearsley

Susan Forsythe

Leanne Hoagland Smith



  1. Mallie Dein on 5 April 2012 at 7:55 pm


    You’re a complete freak! And we love you for it! LOL.

    Thanks for sharing. My first concert was at age 11, Duran Duran! It wasn’t until my early teens that I turned all weird and indie and started listening to Devo and The Dead Milkmen. But then the black eyeliner and blonde bangs came out!

    Great job!

    • Kittie Walker on 6 April 2012 at 10:52 am

      Lol, thanks Mallie!

      I saw Duran Duran a couple of times in concert too. I went to their first come back gig in London. My mum was a huge fan of Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet and various others. So, there was no avoiding any particular kind of music in our household. She was a jazz and classical freak too. I guess I have to thank her for exposing me to it all.

  2. Susan Forsythe on 5 April 2012 at 10:42 pm

    I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about you, Kittie. If I may…heck, I’m gonna do it regardless…I’d like to add that you are also:

    1. very likable
    2. kind and generous
    3. genuine
    4. gentle
    5. non-judgmental
    6. a terrifically talented writer
    7. someone I’m grateful to call “Friend”

    • Kittie Walker on 6 April 2012 at 8:38 am

      What a beautiful way to start a Friday morning! Thanks Susan, now I really am blushing.

  3. Tricia Smith on 6 April 2012 at 9:38 am

    Lovely idea – even if ‘back in the day’ is just like yesterday in my world!

    I love the stories you have told, gives me a whole new insight into a dear friend 🙂

  4. Kittie Walker on 6 April 2012 at 11:10 am

    I apologise for “back in the day” that was in there just to poke my eldest daughter! She has a list of phrases that I am not allowed to use 😉

  5. Dee on 7 April 2012 at 8:54 am

    Late to this party Kittie but I will catch up.

    Love your post. Better understanding some of the threads helps me understand why your tapestry of life is such a wondrous thing.


  6. Kittie Walker on 7 April 2012 at 9:20 am

    Welcome to the party!

    Glad it shed some insights!


  7. Jocelyn Wilhelm on 7 April 2012 at 6:37 pm

    Hi Kittie!

    Love getting to know you more. A foodie like me and the 80’s is one of my favorite era, especially the music. I like Duran Duran and Wham too but my favorites are more the disco sound, like Prince.

    I love your new website by the way!


  8. Kittie Walker on 7 April 2012 at 7:07 pm

    Hey Jocelyn,

    I was a big Prince fan too. Amazingly talented man.

    Thanks, glad you like it, just putting the finishing touches to it at the moment!

  9. Keri on 24 April 2012 at 12:48 am


    I’m so happy to learn more about you! While you went with the 7 item challenge, I’ve been challenged to include *25* on my list……’s taking me awhile to sit down for that long…

    But you have put something together here that is just…FUN! 🙂

    First, I am an 80s girl too. My first concert was Def Leppard at Cobo Hall in Detroit, Michigan when I was in 8th grade. Was not a big fan, but wanted to go have fun! 😀

    I knew you are awesome, but I will also say eclectic. I’m smiling here. I admire your vegetarian lifestyle choice, and your effort at worldly explorations.

    We share a thing or two up there….Our parents.

    Thank you for sharing,


    • Kittie Walker on 7 May 2012 at 12:34 pm


      Ouch you were caught in spam 🙁

      I’ve had stern words with the spam filter and hopefully it will be a little less overzealous next time! Shesh you give people a little power and it goes to their heads 😉

      Wow 25 things is a a lot. Not sure that I could manage that.

      Oh now we are going down memory lane… Def Leopard – I saw them in London in the 1980s. Did you enjoy the experience?

      I have to say that I value my parents now but I certainly didn’t see them in the same way as a child.

      It’s great to find that we all have shared memories or other things in common.

      I’m looking forward to your list of 25 things!

      Thanks for coming by and sorry for the delay in responding!


  10. Sally K Witt, Social Media and Ministry on 22 May 2012 at 10:12 pm

    That was so much fun to read, Kittie. Perfect timing to get to know a new online friend!

    • Kittie Walker on 23 May 2012 at 12:08 pm

      Hi Sally

      Thanks for stopping by.

      It has been a great process for getting to know people. I’ve really enjoyed it!

  11. Fabrizio Faraco on 24 May 2012 at 7:21 am

    Kittie I remember the ’80s a period where music was still big (not as much as when I was teen, in the 70s). I remember swarm of fans shouting and screaming around Rome. It was just great (I still retain some songs of Van Halen, Spandau Ballet and Duran Duran, as well as Tanita Tikaram, Simply Red, Motel, ecc. in my iPod). My first concert was at 8 years old, too. It was a nice band from Liverpool and the level of screaming was the highest I ever heard. Oh yes the band name was Beatles.

  12. Kittie Walker on 24 May 2012 at 8:54 am

    Hey Fabrizio

    Thanks for stopping by and sharing some memories. I too have many of those on my iPod.

    Wow seeing the Beatles live must have been a manic experience!

  13. Barbara on 27 May 2012 at 6:46 am

    Kittie, love the analogy to chain letters, wonderful post telling all your gory secrets!

    No wonder we get on like a house on fire, good we did not go to a sushi bar in London.

    Say hello to Kristen, I enjoyed her company very much!

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