Simple guidance for you in SEO

The not-so scary world of SEO Setting up, owning or even managing a business can be an exciting time. It can also be highly stressful, whether it’s the first time or the seventh! Regardless of what stage you are at, however, you will undoubtedly find that there are plenty of steep learning curves to navigate. …

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SEO resources for small business online marketing

Unfortunately, not paying attention to SEO is becoming increasingly detrimental to the health of any online presence. The online landscape relies heavily on machines being able to understand what we write and for the time being, they need our help.

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Write your meta description like it’s ad copy

Next on your list of things to check, whilst you’re carrying out your SEO Health Check, are your Meta tag descriptions. Just like your title tags they need to be unique for every page. There’s a trend going on here isn’t there? If you get the feeling that the search engines are very interested in…

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Getting your keywords and website structure right

The words that you and I type into the search engines to find the information we want are called keywords. By providing quality information, being relevant and on topic about specific keywords you can bring targeted traffic to your website from a variety of search engines.

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